Eureka Mignon King Sized Dial is here!

Eureka King Sized Dial

The Problem: the Eureka Mignon Specialita’s dial was too small!

It has taken a very long time, but finally Eureka has made a nice new dial for the Mignon family, to replace the tiny dials they come with. This way, you have a better feel for the grind setting, a much larger circumference to grip, and a much easier indicator to read. See the video below for instructions on installation.

How to install the new King Sized Dial!

The new dial is quite easy to install:

  1. Unscrew the old knob
  2. Place the double-sided adhesive to the pointer base
  3. Insert the spacing tool
  4. Position and press pointer base
  5. Screw on new inner knob
  6. Find the calibration point (where burrs meet)
  7. Insert pointer into base
  8. Mount outer King Sized Dial onto inner knob
  9. Screw the King Sized Dial onto inner knob with 2 screws

Which models are compatible?

According to Eureka, all Mignon models are compatible, except for those with the “Easy Setting” dial, such as the Perfetto and Brew Pro.