Thanks for your visit.

First of all, thanks for dropping into my website. I do appreciate you taking the time to read these lines, and I hope I can provide some value for you.

Who is Tom?

I am by trade an engineer, and I am also a family man. I happen to love coffee. Good thing too, because our kids did not sleep much as babies. That is when I started getting into espresso, and recently I’ve started documenting my hobby.

Making Espresso Affordable?

What I would like to accomplish with my content is to make espresso more accessible to others. I want to do this by reviewing more economical machines, and showing how to get the best out of them.

A good place to start is with an articles:

1. Difference between the Dedica EC685, EC675, and EC885

2. Difference between Breville “Barista” Models

Cheers from Bardolino, Italy

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