9Barista Stovetop Espresso Machine Review

9Barista stovetop espresso machine
9Barista, assembled

Introducing the 9Barista Espresso Maker

Are you a coffee enthusiast looking for a unique brewing experience? If so, the 9Barista stovetop espresso machine might pique your interest. In this article, we’ll delve into the design, functionality, and overall experience of using this intriguing coffee maker.

Unboxing and Initial Impressions

Upon unboxing the 9Barista, one immediately notices its sleek and sturdy build. Crafted from nickel-plated brass, this machine exudes quality and durability. The wooden handle adds a touch of elegance, although it tends to loosen over time—a minor drawback in an otherwise well-designed product.

Understanding the Mechanics

The 9Barista operates on a fascinating principle involving heat exchanger coils and a unique water chamber design. This design effectively controls temperature and pressure, ensuring consistent and flavorful espresso shots with minimal effort on the user’s part.

9Barista brew group with heat exchanger coils
9Barista brew group with heat exchanger coils
9Barista portafilter and brew group
9Barista portafilter and brew group

Brewing Process

Preparing a shot with the 9Barista is a straightforward process. After filling the bottom boiler with water, one simply waits for it to heat up on the stove. Once heated, the water travels through the heat exchanger coils, cooling to the optimal brewing temperature before being forced through the coffee grounds. The result? A rich and aromatic espresso with a delightful crema.

Is it Worth it?

The 9Barista is undeniably a niche product, catering to coffee aficionados who appreciate both form and function. While its price point may deter some, those who value quality craftsmanship and innovative design will find it worth the investment. It’s not just a coffee maker; it’s a conversation starter—an object of admiration that adds flair to any kitchen.

Maintenance and Cleaning

As with any espresso machine, proper maintenance is crucial to ensure longevity and optimal performance. Cleaning the 9Barista involves disassembling the various components, including the portafilter and boiler, and rinsing them thoroughly. While the process may seem cumbersome at first, it becomes more manageable with practice.

Pros and Cons of the 9Barista?

The 9Barista is certainly a unique machine that can provide a good espresso. It’s design will always engage curiosity, and incite conversation. That being said, there are some pros and cons.


  • Unique design
  • Pressure and temperature mechanically regulated.
  • Tasty espresso
  • Good build, solid components
  • Made in UK


  • Expensive, for its functionality
  • Back to back use limited
  • Too heavy to be ideal for camping trips. Try a Bialetti instead.
  • No milk steaming possible
  • Temperature is locked in – you might have difficulties with lighter roasts.

Specifications of the 9Barista:

– Weight: 1.7 kilos

– Build Materials: nickel prated brass, brass, stainless steel, wood, plastic, silicone.

– 120ml Boiler Size

– Prepares at 9 bar pressure, and 93 degrees celsius

– Country of Origin: UK

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the 9Barista stovetop espresso machine offers a unique and enjoyable brewing experience for coffee enthusiasts willing to invest in quality and craftsmanship. While it may not suit everyone’s needs, its innovative design and exceptional performance make it a standout option for those seeking a premium coffee-making experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a casual coffee lover, the 9Barista is sure to impress with its blend of style, functionality, and delicious espresso. So why not add a touch of luxury to your morning routine and elevate your coffee game with the 9Barista?